Monday, February 16, 2009

How do I let a guy know that I am into him?

I met a guy online and didn't know if I was going to be into him or not.  We arranged for a meeting in a message session (I am a message therapist).  He ended up really enjoying the session and it seems he would want another one.  However, as I ended up liking him, it was unclear how he felt about
me and possibly dating.  At the end, he said,"yeah we need to get together and have tea" I'm not sure if that is a brush off or not. I want to let him know that I didn't want to take his money 'cause I was interested in him. He also invited me to call him for tea sometime, but I think he needs to make the next move.
Let me know what you think, and what I should do.

Thanks, JJ

Dear JJ, 

You're instinct is correct.  The guy needs to always make the move.  A common misconception with women these days seems to be that they can move a guy along with a little encouragement by making his moves for him.  However the truth is, unless you have rejected him, he needs no encouragement.  This is simple, if he is interested in you, he will call you.  You don't need to worry about "clarifying" anything for him.  Don't DO anything.  Just BE.  Be receptive and sweet and he may come around. I can tell you right now that him "inviting you to call him for tea sometime" does not look too promising.  The best thing you can to do for your case at this point is to ABSOLUTELY not call him.  If he calls you to schedule another appt and it takes it just there, than you have your answer.  If something materializes in the future, it won't be because you made any moves.

And JJ, remember, don't give him any ideas on whereor when you can go, don't be available the first time he asks you - then when you tell him you're not available "Friday" night, don't give any alternatives... wait for him to think of the next available time to meet, then say "that sounds nice."  ;)  Stick to these simple guidelines and when the next guy comes along who is willing to make the effort, you won't have to be wondering if he's into you.  Trust me, it feels good and it's worth it.  You are worth it.

There it is straight up.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Nervy X

Hi Taylor; My ex-boyfriend of 3 years left me in January. Within a few months I found out that he was engaged! Then married already in June! It seems everything he did with her were the plans I thought of with him; from the date to the honeymoon! I want to know if I should do anything to let him know how nervy it is of him to use my dreams and wishes with another girl. She is even wearing the ring that I picked out. What do you think?... m

Dear M,

I chose this picture as it epitomizes what would essentially be happening should you choose to let this man know how you feel. As you can tell from the man's posture, it goes in one ear and out the other - your efforts would be in vain. Ask yourself one question: What are you focusing your energy on? Apparently your relationship was not meant to be... so where are you now? How are you focusing your valuable time and energy on your life and future?

Obviously, this man's actions are despicable and although the anger you must feel toward him is completely understandable, certainly you can heed to the wisdom in disciplining your emotions to forgive him. Let go and be free. Pray for the strength if you must as this is not an easy task.

Bottom line: He is living his life and I suggest you do the same - for your sake.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

John Mayer and Jenn Aniston


What do you think of John Mayer dating Jennifer Aniston???

Cameron Smith


John Mayer is a womanizing moron. He goes for his women hard, setting them apart, then dumps them in the most unsuspecting, cowardly way. If Jennifer Aniston by her age doesn't get it yet, I don't feel sorry for her. If this fling materializes, no matter how far, mark my words, this will not work out.

Hopefully, she will wise up sooner than later and be the one who gives him what he deserves.

What is with these people intentionally wasting their time???

There it is.

Sunglasses and The Skinny Jean

1. When you aren't pregnant, what are your favorite jeans?
2. What are the best sunglasses?
3. How long do you predict the "skinny jean" and the "flat shoe" are going to be in fashion?Heather Jensen

1. Some of my favorite jeans are by BEBE... I would not recommend them because they simply don't last. Buttons, logo and zippers fall apart. The most durable that I have found as well as pretty flattering are Lucky Brand. You can find some good ones that make your ass look great and they are reasonably priced. Check out the store in Fashion Island. You have to find the brand that works with your body type. Don't go cheap on jeans. It's NEVER worth it. Also, Nordstrom has some really good brands like Sevens!
2. Glasses are another thing I never go cheap on. I have found it's a huge waste of money. Great glasses can make your face look great and make you feel hot- and you can't get that with CHEAP! Trust me, I've tried. The right ones will last if you take good care of them. Ralph Lauren is durable and always fashionable. Chanel and Versace I have found are the most chic and beautiful. No reason to pay more than $300. Note: Always go with a classic look that looks great and can go with anything rather than something trendy- especially when investing.
3. Skinny jeans that taper at the bottom should have never been. Damn it! I just want to smack people who wear them. I would not call them in fashion- they are just an example of people copying eachother.Flat shoes are cute... wear them always if you like them. If it looks good, it will always look good. I wouldn't consider them a trend.

There it is.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I want to get breast augmentation but I want to breast feed in the future

I’m interested in getting a breast augmentation but also want to breast feed in the future. What is the best option for me? What are the risks and the benefits? Tell me everything you know about breast augmentation!

There are four ways to enter. Through the belly button, under the armpit, under the breast and through the nipples. Why someone would choose to go through the belly button is beyond me. To me, it just seems like another option. This route would make the placement of the implant the most difficult just because of the proximity from the entrance. The reason some choose to go under the arm is because they want to minimize visibility of surgery scars. Placement of the implant would be easier in comparison to the belly button but is the third most difficult. The doctor just simply doesn't have the flexibility to move it around. Also, this route possibly causes the doctor to intrude on glands to make and get to the pocket under the muscle. Going under the breast is the least intrusive (minimum chance of nerve damage) and since it's closer than the other two options, it is easier for the doctor to place properly. This way looks the 2nd best but you will have a visible scar. Also, this scar under your breast tends to build hard tissue that can prevent the breast from dropping as naturally as you might like. It's almost as if the hard tissue holds it up rather than giving it that tear-drop look. Through the nipple is the most popular. However, this way is the most intrusive and can cause problems if the doctor damages the vascular and nerve tissue during surgery. If you choose to go this route, please understand the importance of choosing a surgeon that specializes in this. Your chances of success are greatly increased. The reason people choose this way is the outcome usually looks the best and is the most easy for the surgeon- very popular with them. Surgeons can manipulate it the best and give the best results. They like when their work looks good, so they will usually prefer it. But this is your choice.

There are 2 options in placing the implant: under and over the muscle. The reason girls choose over the muscle is because they prefer the perky, fake and separated look. I don't think I have to go there... stupid. Also, this is a most detrimental decision to any future plans of breastfeeding and furthermore, increases your chances of desensitivity.

There are usually 2 choices as far as the implant itself: smooth and textured. Some people like to use textured because they like the idea of the implant not being able move around in the years to come. But most doctors will say this can be risky, because they find when they place it, it can be very difficult to move around, manipulate and place properly. Scary. Also, textured is not typically recommended for a more natural look and feel.

Now.. what kind of implant would you like to go with? There are many controversial issues surrounding silicone as you may know. As far as I understand, it seems that since silicone was the first to be introduced in the market like 40 years ago, it is going to have the most problems associated. When they first made them, they were of poor quality and often ruptured and caused many problems. They have made many advances since then and for the last decade or so have performed many tests that suggests the problems really don't have to do with the silicone itself. They just came out with this option on the market for all last year. You have to make this judgement call for yourself so I suggest you do further research to make the best decision. But here is the deal... I have felt both silicone and saline in women and in my hand. Basically the silicone feels like a cohesive and soft, well, boob. Saline on the other hand feels like a, how do I put this? like a really thick balloon filled with salt water- like a water balloon. In the women, it feels the same- you can actually FEEL the bag inside her breast. I don't know about you, but I would prefer to feel like a boob. With silicone, because it is so new on the market, they will monitor you and have you get an MRI in 2 years and every so often after that.. I think that is a good idea anyway.

This is very important to remember: Doctors and consultants, as important as it is to trust them, will almost always tend to sway you to whatever they prefer, with entrance, implant options, etc. You have to understand this beforehand. So here is what I suggest; make your decisions FIRST, then scout out a doctor that specializes in your choices- you want the best! If this means you need to drive up to LA, then so be it- this is your body. And you want to read past stories from patients, look for any possible complaints online, etc. I would suggest choosing a doctor that your friends recommend- that way you can see, feel and hear for yourself. Pictures online don't give you the best picture, but still make sure that ALL the pics are amazing.

As far as breastfeeding post surgery goes, bar none the safest way to go through is under the breast and under the muscle, with a smooth implant- with whichever you decide (saline or silicone). Remember, there are always risks associated with this surgery- you must accept this before committing, then choose what is best for your benefit and future. The smarter you are about your choice the better off you are!

There it is straight up.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

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